
Video: Tony Perkins vs. David Boies

palomino8/08/2010 9:55:57 pm PDT

re: #8 SJohnsonFL

The voters decided…I remember the gay community screaming that the black community “were all a bunch of racists” you see the blacks turned out in record numbers so they only assumed that they were the tipping votes to pass prop 8! The voters spoke and this is another example of “passing laws” from the bench…14th Amendment and 7 million voters will make this law remain…if not then why do we vote in this country?

Oh yes I lived in California in this period too…

I love this issue because it’s one that I know my side will win. It’s all a question of demographics and time.

The only age group that clearly opposes SSM is 65+. There’s no delicate way to put this, so I won’t try: those people will leave planet Earth before the youngsters who are open minded because they weren’t indoctrinated into hate and fear as children.

So your precious victories in ballot initiatives will soon end, as foretold by slipping numbers. Then you’ll have nothing left but, “Gays are icky and Jesus hates them.” That won’t work, and you will continue to lose.