
Election 2010, Thread Two

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/02/2010 5:44:24 pm PDT

Repost from downstairs:

Yes indeed there is about half of America that knows better.

There is also a whole state of Texas that has some small islands of civilization in it, but it is still Texas. Then there is the rest of the South and large potions of the Midwest and all the people of Kentucky who willfully voted for a man who hates civil rights, because the durn gubmint shouldn’t interfere with the rights of racists to discriminate. Then there is Nevada - G-d help us.

America has a giant split between educated and utterly ignorant, and it is less and less along racial lines, but rather along the lines of the dumbest, most hateful, fearful and ignorant whites getting power. Their corporate masters throw them simple wedge issues to feel superior about as bones, while legislation that makes the rich richer, and the poor poorer gets passed - even to the obvious detriment of the deluded base.