
English Defence League Leader Discovers the Protocols

The Ghost of a Flea6/29/2011 12:20:37 pm PDT

Anybody ever read Eisner’s comic “The Illustrated Guide to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion”? A great summary of an ugly history. That book merits the epithet nemesis.

I’m not shocked if this is a “new” discovery for the EDL head; the Protocols seem to move about like some kind of gnostic text, where a believer observes their peer group until they finds individuals ripe to absorb the message and not ask questions.

re: #17 Winny Spencer

I don’t think he {Wilders} is to be honest.

The problem is that it isn’t a binary is/isn’t proposition.

His Klare Wijn platform includes a plank replacing Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution—the one guaranteeing equality under the law—with a “…clause stating the cultural dominance of the Christian, Jewish and humanist traditions.” (Quote from Wikipedia)

He’s opening doors for the Netherlands to discriminate, but where’s the line finally going to end up being drawn? Wilders is certainly very vocal in his support for Israel, but at the same time is backing a ban on kosher/halal slaughter. And what of the rest of the Vlaams Belang? Are they on exactly the same page regarding Jews and Israel?

I’m not a huge fan of the slippery slope, but I feel it’s apt when applied to cultural-chauvinist politics: once you start sectioning your population into “real” and “not-real” citizens, it propagates into narrower and narrower distinctions.