
Hamas Getting Real?

stuiec1/26/2009 12:41:05 pm PST

re: #152 WriterMom

There is generally a lot of sympathy for dead Jews…Europe, for example just LOVES Holocaust memorials….they have a more nuanced relationship with live Jews, though. Lefties, too. They really have a problem with those of us that just damn well refuse to die or commit suicide. Strange.

It isn’t strange at all. Dead Jews, they can feel sympathy for because they tell themselves, “if just those Jews hadn’t been so stubborn in their religion and traditions, if they’d been enlightened like us, they wouldn’t have died so needlessly.” Live Jews, by contrast, continue to refuse to accept the “gifts” their enlightened neighbors keep trying to shove down our throats. It was even made explicit during the French revolution:

The French conception of the Jews, Mr. Pryce-Jones points out, derives from the French Revolution. Quoting the Conte de Clermont-Tonnerre’s famous saying to the General Assembly, ‘To the Jews as individuals everything, to the Jews as a nation nothing’, he notes that the French attitude toward the Jews is defined by what the French think they ought to be, not by how Jews define themselves.