
Avengers #25, 'Enter... Dr. Doom' (February 1966)

palomino5/08/2010 9:59:30 pm PDT

Here’s the latest hatchet job on Obama, filled with the kind of absurd smears that get people hurt.

You can read the first chapter online at Amazon. It’s basically just rehashed info from the campaign carried to the extreme of guilt by association; no matter how far removed the association actually is from Obama, its most unsavory aspects are directly attributed to him.

The authors of the book clearly have no shame, going so far as to label Obama a “Manchurian president,” as if her were a foreign interloper bent on bringing America to ruin. I’m afraid the authors and some of their teabag audience (which loves slobbering over this kind of raw red meat) actually may see political violence as a solution. It’s currently #11 at Amazon. Not a promising sign with respect to the right returning to reality.