
Overnight Jam: Greg Holden, "Save Yourself"

Birth Control Works4/24/2015 8:58:51 am PDT

re: #208 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Most “sweet” drinks are bad because the liver doesn’t process sugar the same way that the stomach does. If it gets too much sugar it just changes it over to fat. Most fruit juice isn’t even that good for you. One glass of apple juice has almost as much sugar as a can of coke.

And the diet sodas have been shown to lead to more belly fat among other ailments (I hate artificial sweeteners anyway).

A nutritionist told a diabetic friend of mine to eat an orange at breakfast instead of a glass of orange juice. Nature provides the perfect portion that the body can handle —a glass of juice is too much of a sugar dump. He was having mid-morning shakes and the switch eliminated it.