
More Stealth Creationist Bills in Five More States, As the DI Mask Slips in Virginia

fish2/09/2009 4:50:25 pm PST

1) The Disco Institute is Full of Wackos
2) Any one that believes in “Young Earth” is a wacko
3) Any one that is against examining possible flaws in ANY Theory has some sort of an agenda.

Remember, when Galileo first suggested that the Earth was NOT the center of the universe, it angered not only the religious authorities but the Scientific leaders of the day.

Newton was scorned before he was accepted.

Is a discussion of possible Intelligent Design any different from a discussion of Einsteins multiverse theories?

It is only when the discussion turns to “Who” or “Why” does it become religious. Any discussion that begins “According to (Insert Sacred text here) this is what happened” does not belong in schools.

Keep the bible out of the classroom. But don’t limit discussion of ideas.

Lastly for the record: I do understand that the “Acedemic Freedom” bills are being introduced by people with bad ideas and an agenda.