
Rick Perry: Scientists Are Lying About Climate Change to Make Money

SanFranciscoZionist8/17/2011 12:26:42 pm PDT

re: #198 Obdicut

What disgusts me about Hollywood:

At every meeting I’ve ever been with with movie people, usually to discuss licensing rights, they’ve had a gofer in the room. Some bright, hardworking young girl or boy who they send out for the most trivial of errands. Like “I forget this back at my office, go get it” and indeed “Freshen my coffee”.

I hate seeing people ordered around like that. It makes me grind my teeth. I’d much rather be the guy that offers to get my guests coffee than the guy who orders someone else to do it.

I once had a summer job where the visiting ‘genius fundraiser’ walked up to me out of the blue and without a ‘Hi, I’m John the Genius’, spit out a long, complicated Starbucks order for himself and his cronies. Literally just rattled it off, no, ‘get a notepad, this is long’, and then walked away from me. Didn’t ask my name, didn’t give his, didn’t say please.

I suppose a college kid might have been impressed at how important he was. Me, I was thirty, and I had to be restrained by the office manager from giving him a piece of my mind.