
Beck and Scheuer: Only an Attack By Osama Bin Laden Can Save America

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion7/01/2009 10:49:39 am PDT

re: #192 unrealizedviewpoint

That’s about what I thought you’d say. Your mind is made up and you will look no further. That’s what lefties do. That’s why logic fails them.

Glenn Beck’s over-the-top insane moonbattery has been explored and debated here incessantly for months. You are out of your mind to think I’m just knee jerk rejecting him.

10 months ago, I had a positive opinion of him. I liked Glenn Beck and I listened to his radio show. Now I have come to loathe him, and find his histrionics humorous at best and dangerous at worst. Go ahead and call me a lefty if you think so. I didn’t come to this position over night or because “The Lizard King and his toady Killgore told me too!”

The guy is unquestionably in kook-conspiracy land and I’m done with him.