
Dobson: 'America Is In Greater Danger Than At Any Time Since the Civil War'

Danny Isn't Here Mrs Torrence10/11/2009 8:04:20 pm PDT

re: #162 Danny

I have not looked into this, but can we really trust Dave Johnson of the Commonweal Institute on this? Or more importantly, his reference, which is an AFSCME web link that is now dead? Is there another source corroborating that Joe Coors was a Bircher?

OK I answered my own question. According to this link,

“In the 50’s Coors family funded the John Birch Society. From 1967 to 1972 Joseph Coors was a regent at the University of Colorado where he opposed the existence of campus groups such as UMAS (United Mexican American Students), BSU (Black Student Union), and SDS (Students for a Democratic Society). He was always known for distributing John Birch Society literature to fellow regents. He was quoted as saying the University should strive for quality students and not quantity.”