
GOP Candidate Arthur Robinson: Dump Oil and Nuclear Waste at Sea

darthstar5/24/2010 9:04:16 pm PDT

Hey everyone…just got home from a little party we threw for some friends who were flying home today from Ethiopia with their new daughter (she’s beautiful, by the way…). I deboned a whole leg of lamb which I marinated in olive oil, rosemary, and garlic over night, and then trimmed the fat off a 10lb sirloin and cut it into three threeish pound roasts…salted and soyed and peppered and sugared and let sit for a few hours. These (and some Hebrew National franks my wife brought from the ball park) all went on the BBQ…another friend, who runs a wine import/distributorship, provided the liquid love…other hits were a salad from the owners of Bi-Rite grocery (they also stocked the fridge for the returning family so they wouldn’t have to go shopping this week), and a thai pasta salad which I have to say, was my choice when dessert came out (cheesecakes, muffins tortes, etc.)

It really was a lovely afternoon. You can’t beat quality time with good friends.