
First Wingnut Blogger to Bash Obama for Earthquake: Jim 'Dim' Hoft

Scottish Dragon8/23/2011 12:44:04 pm PDT

We felt the quake fairly well here in Greensboro, NC. I was in class in the basement of the King Building at Guilford College an the tables started shaking. Nobody else had a clue just what it was, and I sullgeste we were experiencing a tremor. I was at the epicenter of the Whittier Narrows Quake many years back, and that one got pretty nasty (It was impossible to get to the doorway. Hell, it was impossible to even stand up. I was being thown around on my bed and I thought the window was going to shatter. I could see cars bouncing around on the street and the trees were going all over the place.)

I recognize we were only getting P-Waves here that had travele some distance, although I had no idea at the time that it was in Virginia.