
Former Colin Powell Aide: Dick Cheney 'Fears Being Tried As a War Criminal'

elisabeth8/30/2011 5:08:38 pm PDT

Are: #197 Killgore Trout

From your link:

The decision to seize Azar in Afghanistan apparently was made in April 2009, six weeks into the Obama administration. Documents filed by the Justice Department, however, suggest that plans for it were laid at least as early as December 2008, before the transition had occurred in Washington. The Justice Department declined to respond to requests for information about the identity of the official who authorized the special operation in Afghanistan to apprehend Azar and Cobos.

It hardly backs up your claim of some kind of widespread torture with presidential approval. The difference, however, between Bush and Obama (I sincerely hope, anyway, and I’d be mightily disappointed otherwise) is that Obama would not seek to justify the government’s actions.