
Overnight Video: Create

Nyet5/28/2012 8:44:26 am PDT

re: #192 Killgore Trout

Looks like that Kimberlan douchebag is still harassing wingnuts. Erik Ericson claims he was “swatted” yesterday.

I re-read Patterico’s analysis, and while it is possible that some of his stalkers are at work, he really hasn’t proven (common sense-wise) that Brynaert was the one who swatted him, moreover he didn’t mention that Brynaert is (and was at the time) an enemy of Rauhauser (instead presenting them as some cohesive group). And it is Rauhauser who allegedly has the expertise to perform swatting - no such expertise was shown for Brynaert, who is a mere journo. Finally, at this moment Brynaert and Kimberlin are vicious enemies too, they flame each other on their respective blogs.

So while it is possible that Kimberlin is connected to all this, this isn’t a proven fact yet. So I’m sure you will extend him the same reasonable skepticism you granted George Zimmerman. I will even hold my breath! /