
At Rand Paul's African-American Outreach Event: A Roomful of White People

Targetpractice12/09/2013 9:22:44 pm PST

re: #211 The War TARDIS

Moffat said that it will be shown at Christmas.

He has also said that the Doctor, as of now, is out of regenerations. This is a result of the War Doctor, and also the 10th’s creation of a human duplicate during the Series 4 Finale.

Numbering is now like this:

War Doctor- True 9th
9th-True 10th
10th-True 11th
Meta-Crisis 10th- True 12th
11th-True 13th

However, we know there is an out. In addition, Moffat has said the regeneration to an older Capaldi will not stop the flirting between the Doctor and Clara. He has also said that the 12th will be more energetic than we think he will.

One would figure there would be an out, The Doctor always has an out. Though I’m sure it will be interesting for Moffat to make it so without running over one of the themes of recent seasons, that of “wearing thin.”