
Samantha Bee: The Morning After

lawhawk11/10/2016 11:54:04 am PST

re: #198 Mike Lamb

Nope. Because Senate power will last long after Trump is gone. They’ll do what they can to maximize their power, and limit the minority’s power. Filibuster is one of the ways a minority party can slow action.

Never mind that one day the GOP might be in the minority.

This gets back to the concept of comity, and that there are things that just shouldn’t be done, because it’ll come back and haunt you too.

So, when the situation is reversed, and the SCT has an opening in the final year before an election, it will remain open if the opposition party is in control, because screw the court, and custom or tradition of giving the president the respect he deserves in his nominations.

Garland got fucked by a ruthless GOP that sought to make sure that they got to pick Scalia’s replacement at any cost. The millions of Democrats who sat on the sidelines ignored this. So, when birth control, let alone abortion access, is threatened, you have no one to blame but themselves.

Yeah, I’m angry at the people who decided they could sit on the sidelines because they couldn’t get party purity and their perfect candidate. They got Clinton, but apparently being a highly qualified woman who knows the ins and outs of policy and politics wasn’t enough in the face of an incessant smear campaign, lies, and obfuscation that magic balance fairied Trump to a win. (and yes, voter suppression and the scandal mongering bs played a role too).