
Overnight Open Thread

jpkoch11/29/2009 8:17:38 am PST

re: #198 Abduct

The thousands of scientists you speak of use a fairly narrow set of statistical databases that have been produced by a small group of “gatekeepers”. CRY, NASA, and NOAA produce the recent temperature data and Mann, Hughes, and Biffra produce to dendro and paleo temp reconstructions. The IPCC relies heavily on these 2 groups for their temperature trends.

Another thing, NOAA uses portions of CRU’s data, and vice versa. NASA also relies on portions of CRU’s data, but they use their own internal algorithms, grid cells, and extrapolation techniques to back-fill empty grid cells. What most people do not realize is the fact the number of people who produce these reconstructions (recent or paleo) is very narrow, their databases incomplete (CRY did a massive purge of their public FTP sites in June), and their entire methodology done without any public accountability.