
Fox News GOP Debate Open Thread 4: The Clowns Are in Control

JamesWI8/06/2015 11:07:55 pm PDT

Ignoring everything else I know and loathe about Scott Walker, I just can’t believe that someone can go on national television and say he wouldn’t allow abortion in cases where the pregnancy would kill the woman, and somehow still be considered one of the front-runners.

I mean……that’s just completely insane! Kelly even pointed out that something like 83 or 86% of Americans support the option of abortion in those cases (because….duh?), and he still tried to claim that his insane position was in line with the majority of Americans. He actually thinks it’s “pro-life” to say that both the “baby” and mother should die, rather than saving the woman easily by removing a little clump of cells. And this man could be President.

Seriously….I just don’t get this, at all. This is some super-villian-level shit, and he barely gets called out on it. Has he cast some sort of spell over all of America that only few of us are immune to?