
Video: Donald Trump Says He'd Like to Punch a Protester in the Face

KGxvi2/23/2016 6:46:23 am PST

re: #194 nines09

If you follow the digression of the GOP you realize that it’s only going to get worse. If they lose, the next POTUS candidate will make Trump look like a rank amateur. They are really setting the stage for a truly horrible person to be named later. And that’s saying something. The base has gone insane from the lies and deceit of the party itself. They are sick. Very, very sick. I cannot think of one single solitary good thing for this nation that has been done by the GOP in the last 7 years. Not. One.

If the GOP faces losing three presidential elections in a row, they may end up moderating. That’s mostly what happened to the Democrats in the early 90s - they lost three in a row and that lead to groups like the DLC and Clinton talking about the era of big government being over. It also happened to the Republicans in 1950, they’d lost five in a row and nominated Eisenhower even though they’d been trending conservative since the Depression.

Trump may be the peak/nadir (depending on your perspective). Plus, look at potential 2020 candidates if Clinton wins. Who do they have that won’t be damaged goods?