
A Stunning New Song and Lyric Video From Bon Iver: "Naeem"

Targetpractice8/10/2019 11:07:57 pm PDT

re: #204 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Burn the heretic.

[Embedded content]

They go on and on.

This last line is just laughter-inducing:

Republicans are navigating the waters and doing it well

Republicans are going down the same well-tread path they’ve ventured again and again, dragging out the response to the latest shooting in an effort to outlast public outrage before quietly dropping any proposed legislation. And we saw how well that worked for them last year, when all the predictions about “anti-gun Democrats” being trounced at the polls were turned on their heads.

There’s a little more variety this go around, such as Graham championing a “red flag” law, but we know that by month’s end they’ll have moved on because the media will have moved on.