
Overnight Video: Colombia - Timelapse

Testy Toad T8/15/2012 8:01:24 am PDT

Holy shit, Romney’s interview this morning is hilarious.

On the Obama campaign: “The president’s campaign is all about division and attack and hatred.”

On whether his remarks seemed unhinged: “They were very measured. I can be much more dramatic, I think. I think unhinged would have to characterize what we’ve seen from the president’s campaign.”

On whether Republicans, including Paul Ryan, have used the unshackling/unchaining metaphor: “You know, I can’t speak for anybody else, but I can say the comments of the vice president, as I heard them, I thought were one more example of a divisive effort to keep from talking about the real issues. Look, no one is talking about deregulating Wall Street.

On what has really got him mad: “The president’s campaign has put out a campaign that’s talking about me and attacking me. I think it’s just demeaning to the nature of the process, particularly when we face the kinds of challenges we face.”

Planet Clue to Mittbot, come in Mittbot.