
White House Denies Planning Construction of Death Star

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam1/11/2013 10:35:40 pm PST

re: #204 engineer cat

the story in our family is that my father’s father’s mother’s mother back in bogdaniew slept with a gentile polish farmer

that’s why i have green eyes

My uncle once commented that my mom’s side of the family had gypsy blood. When I researched her line in the parish records, there was in fact an out of wedlock birth and the father had lived in several different parishes (in Sweden) within as many years. Circumstantial evidence there.

Then I had my mitochondrial DNA tested last year. Turns out to be fairly common among the Roma of central Europe. Still circumstantial, but the pieces add up.

Mom’s family was all Swedes, but brown hair was fairly common among them.