
Pro Lifer Discusses Shooting Abortion Providers

Vicious Babushka4/24/2013 2:11:56 pm PDT

Here is the problem that I have with “exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.” This is not compassionate at all.

In order to prove one of these exceptions, a woman has to jump through flaming hoops filling out forms, making depositions, submitting affidavits, getting notary signatures, and other and various LEGAL (NOT MEDICAL) documents, such that the 1st trimester cutoff for a simple medical procedure is frequently missed due to the sheer volume of paperwork that is required for an exception. A 2nd trimester procedure is then levels of magnitude more complicated and many clinics are not equipped to perform them.

“Life of the mother” is a critical decision that is best left to a qualified medical professional. This is a condition that can change dramatically in a matter of hours and THERE IS NO TIME to submit all the required paperwork, as was tragically demonstrated by the case in Ireland.

The purpose of placing all these legal burdens on the woman is simply to discourage her from having an abortion altogether. Not only that, but these same people who want to limit, actually ban abortion, also want to put limits on contraception.

Oh and they also want to put limits on having sex.