
Gateway Pundit Doubles Down on Derp: Vegas Terrorist "Ranted Like Crazed Leftist"

Killgore Trout6/10/2014 12:39:34 pm PDT

Why The Terrorists Are Winning in Iraq—And How That Could Cost Them Everything

Al Qaeda takes the position that winning popular support is a necessary precursor to declaring the establishment of the Caliphate. ISIS, which considers itself the embodiment of the Islamic Caliphate, declares the kingdom of God wherever the group flies its black flag. But as ISIS’s power grows it’s schism with other Islamist groups like al Qaeda may pale compared to the reprisals it will face from government powers. Mosul is ISIS’ signature victory so far, its biggest achievement. But the price of victory could be a giant target on their backs. This could be the moment when regional and international powers like the United States decide to intervene against ISIS. The takeover of Mosul could even trigger a response from Iran, the powerful Shia state that borders Iraq.