
WATCH LIVE: Hillary Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama in Winston-Salem, NC

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips10/27/2016 2:34:50 pm PDT

Trump TV

Donald Trump on Boris Epshteyn, an aide turned internet talk show host: “Look at Boris! He’s becoming a big star!” Boris chuckles.

Questions that Boris asked Trump: Your stamina and the energy you have for this process, for the American people is just unparalleled? /1

The polls are coming out… Up three points in Florida, we’re up four points in Ohio. So how are you feeling out there on the trail? /2

Another Boris question for Trump: The State Department under Hillary Clinton… spent 5.4 million of taxpayer money on crystal stemware? /3

Boris question for Trump: She not only failed but she’s also disqualified from being president, right? /4

Final: Obviously the system of corruption just permeated the whole group, right? What’s your message for people to get out the vote? /5