
Oklahoma Bans Sharia, Inadvertently Outlaws 10 Commandments

CuriousLurker11/07/2010 3:01:53 pm PST

Sort of OT:

I just got an email forwarded from a Muslim friend. It seems that the American Muslim community is finally starting to stir from its slumber and realize that people need to be more aware of the seriousness of the political happenings/climate in this country, AND more knowledgeable about what Islam actually teaches WRT being aware of what’s going on in the larger world around you (i.e. trust in god, but tie your camel).

IOW, participating in the Muslim community, doing good deeds, spending time learning to recite the Qur’an, and learning about the finer points of all the little rules we have to follow is fine—and even important—but if you do that to the exclusion of all else, then very bad things may happen while you’re not paying attention. Time to get with the program and figure out how to take charge of your own destiny and maintain your beliefs while working within the American system. There’s gonna be some serious soul searching required.

I wonder if this is a result of this week’s elections and the Oklahoma law…