
Captain America #103, July 1968: The Weakest Link

Talking Point Detective4/03/2011 7:30:06 pm PDT

Just curious whether anyone here, who has followed the “climategate” debate at all, is familiar with the name Jeff Id.

I’ve been over at his blog and he claims that he has been “censored” by the monitors at Krugman’s blog because they recognized his name and/or were worried about the damaging implications of a comment that he left on the blog.

I’ve been trying to explain to him that he isn’t quite as famous as he thinks - and it is highly unlikely that the reason his post didn’t go through was because his name was recognized or because:

When someone makes a subtle point beyond their control, they snip it.

Anyway, I’d appreciate any answers “Yay,” or “Nay,” as to whether folks here recognize his name.
