
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Kragar5/31/2012 8:05:57 pm PDT

Barrett To Walker: ‘You Should Be Ashamed’ Of Commercial With Dead Baby

“He’s running a commercial right now that shows a dead baby. He shows a dead baby — this is Willie Horton stuff,” said Barrett. “That baby died. The person who killed that baby was arrested by the Milwaukee Police, was prosecuted by the Milwaukee district attorney. They did their job. But you know what they did wrong? After that baby died, they didn’t change the code. It was a bureaucratic mistake … I’ll tell you right now. I had nothing to do with that. Look at that commercial. You should be ashamed of that commercial, Scott Walker.”

Walker contended that the story was relevant, in light of Barrett having campaigned on a downturn in violent crime in Milwaukee — and is thus a matter of both Barrett’s qualifications, and his honesty.

Barrett retorted: “I have a police department that arrests felons. He has a practice of hiring them.”