
Madoff Gets 150 Years

Land Shark6/29/2009 10:10:12 am PDT

re: #177 J.D.

He seems well-liked so far, and no real skeletons have surfaced, so maybe.

As a Florida resident and registered Republican, I like Charlie Crist. He’s popular for the most part with voters of both parties. While I admit on a couple of issues he’s more of a moderate than I would like, I feel he’s a competent executive who does a good job for us Floridians. I understand Crist is going to run for the US Senate in 2010.

Another former Florida governor I like a lot is Jeb Bush. Yeah, he’s a Bush and I’m sure there’s no shortage of people on both sides who would cringe at the thought of a third Bush in the White House, but he was an outstanding governor IMO. He was re-elected by one of the largest margins ever in Florida elections history and was well liked by most Floridians. He was very effective in crisis response, he was the governor during the ‘04 and ‘05 hurricane seasons when we got clobbered by several major storms and his clear leadership helped minimize the trauma, respond to the disasters and keep the state functioning despite the severity of the storms. Partly thanks to him, Florida’s effective disaster response stands in sharp contrast with Louisiana’s pathetic, non existent response to Hurricane Katrina.