
Arizona Immigration Law Too Radical for Tancredo

cliffster4/26/2010 6:17:24 pm PDT

re: #192 goddamnedfrank

Yes, I’m saying he was handcuffed and harassed as a result of the passage of the bill and the xenophobic blood frenzy that it generated. The word you’re looking for is signed, no the bill was not yet signed into law, but it was passed, and Joe Arpaio brand law enforcement doesn’t give one rat’s ass about waiting for some gutless governor’s signature, or for the law to actually take effect. It’s their hot bodies and they do what they want.

Also, the fact that they did this before the formalities were in place is a very bad omen going forward.

The incident had nothing to do with the new law. At all. Law wasn’t passed, different governing body. Totally unrelated. Why are you pursuing this?