
DC Metro Announces New Ridership Record for Stewart-Colbert Rally

researchok11/01/2010 4:31:47 pm PDT

re: #199 jamesfirecat

Then we need to f***ing rewrite the laws so they can’t beat them not bitch and moan about it.

I don’t disagree with the idea. I just want to see it done differently.

I believe a consumption tax does two things. Encourages people to save and spend their money wisely (efficient use of capital). A rich guy who wants a plane or a boat or $3000 briefcase or $50,000 diamond for his wife can afford the consumption tax- he just wants to wiggle out of it.

No exceptions for luxury items- zero.

Same could apply to residences. Any home that 100% above the average home cost in that county ought to pay a consumption tax.

The only exemptions ought to be unprocessed food (tax does apply to restaurants), education, healthcare, etc.