
Kansas Community Center Killer Frazier Glenn Miller Is a Longtime Neo-Nazi

Dr Lizardo4/14/2014 8:52:31 am PDT

re: #209 Killgore Trout

Maybe but there’s lots of wiggle room in the wording. Considering the possibility, maybe, thinking about sending 2 dozen replacement springs for pistols, etc. Anything we send them that ends up in battle is just going to end up in Russian hands anyways.

The mujahideen would like a word with you regarding that assertion.

I live in this part of the world, and I can assure you, the fanatical hatred against the Russians is just under the surface. And it’s getting closer to the surface every day. I’ve had Czechs - mild, moderate Czechs, mind you - say they see no other possibility for the Ukrainians to be free than to pull a Beneš Decrees and tell the Russian population either to swear loyalty to Kyiv or GTFO and go back to Russia. And the less mild and moderate Czechs are talking about outright ethnic cleansing of the Russians in Ukraine.

And they want NATO to assist in that endeavor.