
Ted Cruz Appears With Anti-Gay Hate Group American Family Association, Openly Advocates Theocracy

Blind Frog Belly White8/11/2015 2:16:17 pm PDT

re: #210 Dr. Matt

It was mostly lip service to claim it was for “ALL political types”. Face it, someone wearing an Obama t-shirt would not have been welcomed with open-arms even at the earliest of rallies.

The key is remembering that it all got started when Rick Santelli went nuts over the idea of bailing out homeowners whose houses lost a lot of value, after we’d spent at Trillion dollars pulling Wall Street back up the cliff they drove the rest of us over.

Saving rich fucks whose hubris triggered the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression - that was fine with him. Helping the regular folks who got fleeced by the rich fucks - THAT was UNACCEPTABLE!!!!