
Video: Pastor Broden's Benediction

What, me worry?11/05/2009 1:17:23 pm PST

re: #215 SixDegrees

I believe this pledge was part of his promise to improve government transparency. Not so much a review in the sense of awaiting input from readers as simply divulging the details of what was being done.

As for going things alone: very, very bad idea, and not without reason being referred to as “the nuclear option.” Payback’s a bitch, and refusing to listen to the minority would cost the Democrats dearly - if you think the rhetoric is harsh and over the top now, wait until the Dems make it clear there is absolutely nothing to lose by going down that road. And wait, too, until the GOP regroups and once again holds the reins of power - political memories are long, and vindictiveness common.

0bama, at least, seems smarter than this, and has been actively courting Republican input and support for the simple reason that he can defuse such future remonstrances. It’s a wise move, but it’s being made nearly impossible both by GOP wagon circling and by Democratic indifference to proposals emanating from the other side of the aisle.

I understand what you’re saying, but it makes him appear wishy washy, i.e. Carter-like. The man’s M.O. is, indeed, a bit plodding and I know he wants to be inclusive, but if he’s doing the best for the country, and I think his ideas on healthcare are indeed the best, then it won’t matter if he doesn’t bring in the naysayers. Medicare and Social Security were good things for this country and I’m sure many Repubs opposed it. Hell some still do!

We need to revamp healthcare. We need to get alternative fuels on the market, usable and affordable. We should have been doing these things 60 years ago.