
Overnight Short Animation With Poetry: Common Room

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/04/2014 8:59:54 am PDT

re: #205 Killgore Trout

A modest proposal: Brendan Eich is just the beginning. Let’s oust everyone who donated to the campaign against gay marriage.

THe really stupid thing about that article is that it contains the solution to it’s own problem.

The next thing you’ll notice is that other companies, including other tech firms, substantially outscored Mozilla in pro-Prop 8 contributions attributed to their employees. That includes Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, and Yahoo, as well as Disney, DreamWorks, Gap, and Warner Bros.

And yet, out of those, only the person who was a CEO was singled out as this being problematic for.

I also love the way it says:

Many of these employees gave $1,000 apiece, if not more. Some, like Eich, are probably senior executives.

So do the fucking research, reporter. Figure out if your claim is true. Factcheck yourself.

There’s few things sadder than people who think they’re Swift trying to be Swift.