
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Demon Semen Dreamin'

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/01/2020 8:57:25 am PDT

re: #214 Teddy’s Person

When I was getting my MA, I took a women’s history course. One of the assigned books was The Transformed Wife. Image a group of 20 female grad students endlessly mocking and ripping the book apart (FYI, that was the purpose of us reading it not that the prof agreed with the book). The one thing I remember from the book was that if you’re traveling with your husband, never give directions or tell him you’re going the wrong way. How does being lost for hours help anything? The same week we read that book, we were also assigned a Christian home school American history textbook.

I presume “The Transformed Wife” and the homeschooling book assigned for their comedic value?