
Our Friends the Saudis

Desert Dog3/23/2009 6:51:05 pm PDT

re: #208 astronmr20

Bottom line;

Saudi Arabia won’t get changed by outside influences. Just as introducing democracy to a thousand year-old Islamic pissing contest in Iraq didn’t stop people from trying to cut the throats of their political opposition.

We could use an economic carrot to try to affect change there, or a military one, but it won’t change anything.

The Islamic world has to change from within. Plain and simple. In order for a culture to stand on it’s own or to grow and thrive, the equal treatment and education of women is absolutely necessary. The only true test of any chance for reform in Shari’a countries is for them to stand on their own without outside aid or support; militarily financial, or even humanitarian. I’m not suggesting we do that, but the fact remains- that’s the only test for change for the truly Islamic world.

Saudi Arabia will not change. They think their way is the true and natural path for men to follow. In their eyes, we are the loonies. The problem is the world is too small now for them to keep pushing their radical religious beliefs. They export Jihad and Wahhabism as much as they do oil.

We are at an impasse. And, unfortunately, we have lightweight at the helm. Bush was no better, he did nothing to check the Saudis.

One way in is the coming Iranian nuclear capability. Saudi Arabia will feel very threatened by that.

Clearly, something be done with the entire Muslim world. Lest we all slip back into the 7th Century….no thanks