
Overnight Acoustic: Ryan Spendlove, "Not That Strong"

Birth Control Works10/26/2012 9:03:26 am PDT

re: #214 Mattand

Sort of similar here. Brought up Catholic, taught that God and Jesus were real, but it wasn’t anything that dominated our lives. It was something you just did.

As I got older, I morphed into a kind o lazy deist; there was a definitely a God, but I just let it go at that. Never once questioned that evolution was real and stuff like that.

Between 9/11 and watching my mom die 3 weeks before she could see her 1st grandson born, I finally figured out that modern religions were really no different than mythical pantheons of old. The big difference now is that many of the believers have access to way more destructive weapons than our ancestors.

I really try to maintain a live-and-let-live attitude. If God, or Allah, or Crom or Maroni get you through the day, fine. Just keep it out of my government, and if I say I don’t believe, don’t start screaming like a jackass about the horrible atheist oppressing you.

Believing in the concept of G-d is difficult these days. At least in conversation—I never know if people believe as I do —that humans are not the masters of the universe and beyond that who the fuck knows? - or they truly believe there is some sky-god out there and that we must praise his hame LOUDLY.

I understand that there are different levels of thinking and that children and some others have minds that can’t grasp the metaphysical way I think about things. And that makes we worry.