
Twitter's Redesigned Block Feature Is a Stalker's Delight - Update: Twitter Reinstates the Block Feature

lawhawk12/12/2013 6:16:38 pm PST

Awful decision on their part to screw around with one of the few protections that people do have against stalkers based on their interface. Hope they restore the old system, but since it comes down to money, the question is which is the bigger pile of money on the table - the pile of people who stalk, or those who are going to get fed up and find somewhere else to instant-post.

If enough high profile people complain, we might see them restore this before long.

In the meantime, it took but hours before Donald Trump posted his conspiracy theory about the death of the Hawaiian official who certified the President’s birth certificate:

Yeah, he did go there. He’s all but claiming that at Barack Obama was somehow involved in orchestrating the death of Loretta Fuddy, the person who certified his birth certificate was legitimate.

Orly Taitz was likewise on the case - calling on everyone to reexamine her evidence (which in my NSHO should send her to the funny farm).