
Great Video: How Does Your Optical Mouse Work?

A Mom Anon10/21/2021 6:28:25 pm PDT

Good Evening Lizards. How goes it?

I took a day off from dealing with hospital/doctors/insurance company bullshit to sort of chill. Also had to deal with another ant invasion in my kitchen, which took the better part of the morning and bits and pieces of my afternoon/evening to hopefully resolve. I’m going to have to spray a barrier spray outside and a more pet friendly form/version of something indoors. The ants around here are persistent unless you poison the hell out of them and I can’t do that with a doggo who eats random crap from the yard regularly. So this isn’t my first time having fun with this. Ack. Yay. Fun.

Hope you all are doing well today and not dealing with ants. Or worse.