
Video: Hamas Tactics in the Gaza Strip

researchok4/27/2009 1:42:18 pm PDT

What were once acknowledged as universal laws, no longer exist in the Arab world. What was once assumed to be understood as universal expressions of civilized behavior are no longer a reality in the Arab world.

The civilized world understands and accepts civilized behavior and universal laws. Israel the US today face an enemy that that uses hospitals and schools to shield terrorists, and where houses of worship are used as armories.

You can negotiate with like minded people who share similar values- you cannot negotiate as equals with people who believe children are fodder, to hide behind and used as human shields, counting that our civility will not address their barbarity. We cannot deal with as equals those who believe that children, the elderly and the disabled are disposable.

To ask Israel to negotiate with these beasts who deny even their right to exist, call for genocide and who have long abandoned civilized behavior is absurd.