

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks12/30/2009 12:30:56 am PST

Another appeal to the virtue of ignorance:

I have posted about this before. We have to start standing up and making sure NO tax dollars are used to fund science designed to refute the beliefs of the Christian majority. It is a waste of time and money.

There is really ONLY one logical explanation for the origin of complex, functionally specified, digitized genetic information. GOD CREATED IT — in SIX DAYS when He created the universe. Any other explanation can be torn apart.

It really irks me to know that a lot of tax dollars are wasted in places like government universities on efforts to explain “the origins of life” and the nature of the universe. It’s all there in Genesis — NO CHARGE! Just read what God has to say. God does not lie. So, why waste resources to “prove” that God’s Holy Word is false? It’s offensive that anyone would even try — let alone do that with MY money.

It is not just evolution we need to take out of schools. We need to address the whole scientific culture that says that we must “seek answers” to questions that we already KNOW the answer to. The only possible motive for that is the promotion of a deeply atheistic agenda.