
Jon Stewart's Clash of the Teatans

Killgore Trout4/14/2010 4:35:50 pm PDT

Organizer of ‘Crash the Tea Party’ receives threats

On his answering machine he received messages like: “Hey Jason, this is Robins Mitchell in Houston, Texas, again. … We’re going to (expletive deleted) you April 15 if you try to mess with the Tea Party.”

Conservative radio talk show host, Lars Larson, has gotten an earful from Tea Party supporters and said he doesn’t like Levin’s ethics.

“This is a man who thinks it’s legitimate to further your political goals by lying, by stealing and damaging somebody else’s reputation,” Larson said. “I don’t want a kid like that teaching kids.”

“He Twitters all day long while he’s on the public payroll,” Larson said. “Do you think that he would do something like this (the Web page) on the public payroll – sit there and type a document? I wouldn’t find that amazing.”

Levin denied that.

“That is absolutely incorrect,” he said. “The Web site was registered, created and maintained on my own time at my own home.”

Officials with the district and the state said they will investigate.