
Video: McCain's Last Stand

BigPapa12/19/2010 10:01:31 am PST

“I don’t want to have any Marines I’m visiting at Bethesda (Naval Hospital) with no legs as a result of any type of distraction. So that’s where I come down on this.” A recording of the Amos comments was provided to CNN by the military newspaper, Stars and Stripes.

Then create sensible policies to manage and mitigate sexuality. That issue was my last resistance to this issue, melted away after listening to military men debate the issue.

No to be too crass, but the military needs to manage heterosexuality better. I’m sure there will be some glitches and issues (that the homophobes will blow up) but the management of hetero and now homosexuality could probably be improved.

The ironic thing is that inclusion of homosexuality may force an improvement of heterosexuality management. It seemed that a ‘boys will be boys’ attitude about ‘blowing off steam’ may have lingered over from times past. Now a consistent policy of being responsible for your own sexuality (hetero or home) may need to be created and enforced.