
More than half of Luntz focus group believe Obama is a Muslim

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization2/08/2011 8:12:09 pm PST

re: #20 Gus 802

Find me a video of Democratic Party focus group where more than half of the audience said “GWB is a moron who is the puppet of Cheney” then we’ll talk.

To be fair, while Bush was president, I bet you probably could find such a group. Within that group, you might even find some people who believed or suspected that 9/11 might have been an inside job.

The man - W - enraged me sometimes, but some of the things people said and did on my side of the aisle (all those Bush as Hitler signs at anti-war protests,* for example) made me cringe and want to put a bag over my head.

*The teabaggers, not wanting to miss out on the Hitler meme, would later portray Obama as The Fuhrer, thus proving rank stupidity can reign supreme no matter what side you’re on.