
Watch Live: Donald Trump's "Foreign Policy" Speech at Youngstown State University

nines098/15/2016 1:57:32 pm PDT

Did you ever have a friend, or know someone, who told a lie? And when confronted with that lie, just wove an excuse? And as time and questions passed, the lie became so big, so complicated, and so many had heard it and thought it to be true, that an answer like “you know” was sufficient to pass it on? And the person telling the lie carries this weight, and wants to get rid of it, but knows that he cannot. So he makes it a game. Tells more and more, layers it on, until the original lie is obscured by time and tide. Now it’s just an ego trip, because you’ve sold shit in a sack as groceries, and you just want to see how far it goes. You’re “winning”.