
At Rand Paul's African-American Outreach Event: A Roomful of White People

Ziggy_TARDIS12/09/2013 9:44:52 pm PST

re: #217 Targetpractice

Considering that it was Matt Smith’s run that tore me out of a depression, this is going to have a disproportionately nasty effect on me.

Peter Capaldi has shoes to fill. I don’t doubt he will. Jenna Coleman has been a joy in her part as Clara. Hopefully, she will stay a while. However, I would love if Juliet Landau, who plays Romana on the Audio Stories right now, joins as a second Companion. Let’s have the Doctor and 2 Genius Women companions

At this point, it’s a really safe bet that the Doctor and Clara are more than friends. 80%+ of my friends are women, and I have never kissed them on the cheek or forehead, caressed their faces, or any of the touchy-feeling stuff the Doctor and Clara do. I hug, occasionally from behind, but I would feel massively uncomfortable doing just about everything else. Except holding hands.