
Hillary Clinton Feels Faint, Media Gets Vapors

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge9/11/2016 3:33:09 pm PDT

re: #218 Backwoods_Sleuth

Back in WHH’s day and turn of the last century, pneumonia was a serious illness, but we have antibiotics now and overall general healthy lifestyles.
But that’s completely lost on those who pine for the fjords the good old days…

And contrary to what Chris Cilliza claimed, WHH did NOT die of typhoid.
I grew up in Harrison Family town (every year we had to go to The Tomb for a memorial), and I do know my very local Presidential history.

As long as Hillary lays off the cherries

Zachary Taylor
heat stroke, bringing on bilious fever, typhoid fever, and cholera morbus. (Taylor dressed himself in a black high-collar suit for the July 4, 1850 dedication of the Washington Monument, got overheated, then shocked his system by consuming copious quantities of iced milk and cold cherries, and his internal organs began to shut down — basically, he waterlogged himself to death. William Henry Harrison “got too cold and died,” and Zachary Taylor “got too hot and died.”)