
York: 'Everyone Seems a Little Embarrassed'

Irenike2/25/2009 10:04:07 am PST

Obama is riding high right now, and the Republicans are riding low, because the shit hasn’t hit the fan—-yet. The Dems just passed the pork bill, but nothing has really gone into effect.

The bad guys around the world haven’t actually done anything—yet—except send up a few satellites and brag about their nuclear research. Americans, by and large, are not feeling the economic pinch — yet. Give it more time. When inflation starts to take off, when average Americans see how little their hard-earned dollars actually buy, when the recession stretches on and on, when the bad guys start making the front page of the news, then maybe people will wake up and realize that Obama’s promises are a bunch of dust. Right now, the Big O is talkin’ smooth and nice and makin’ everybody swoon because he doesn’t really have much to answer for — yet. But he will, he will. All presidents have to answer for what they do.