
Ben Stein Withdraws As UVM Commencement Speaker

Walter L. Newton2/03/2009 9:08:23 pm PST

re: #208 rawmuse

Ain’t it always the case. Just did some taxes, one of the forms says “do you expect a change in your income this year?”

As if I can predict that. As Yogi said “Predictions are hard, especially about the future”.

I wasn’t dumping on you. That’s why I put “whining” in quotes. I was just saying it worked out better than you thought. And I say, congrats.

The theatre has has a terrible Jan and Feb looks like hell. But the Golden Civic Foundation want to add some money to our loan, so it looks like we will be ok till the season picks up. So, right now I don’t have to worry, but I always keep looking for full time programming work.

If I have full time programming work, I still manage to do about 80 percent of what I do now for the theatre, and they get me a a stipend rate.